
Why we do what we do?

Physical Training (P.T.)

PT2Physical Training (P.T.) is a vital part of healthy development and at The Vine we schedule two 40 min lessons per week for this activity.

Conditioning our bodies and training in skills and techniques are important aspects of every successful sportsman whether it be at a national level or enjoying sport socially.

Tim Noakes of the Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA) says, “Children need to learn the basic skills first; then they need to get fit before they start to compete. But we just go straight to competition. Children in early primary school don’t have the skills or the fitness to cope with highly competitive sport."

Our P.T. classes always start with stretching to prevent injuries and running to build fitness. Then they work on specific sport skills and techniques before playing a friendly game to end the class.

At the end of 2018, Mr. George (our P.T. coach) attended the SSISA School Sport Summit where keynote speaker Prof Robin Vealey encouraged delegates to adopt the same approach that we use at The Vine School. According to expert opinion, this is the best way to develop potential top-class sportsmen and women, with the added benefit of growing a life-long love for sport in all children. By introducing competitive sport too early, too many drop out and never achieve their potential.

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