Support The Vine School and our families
By supporting The Vine School, you change the life prospects of many children through excellent education. Thank you for making a truly transformational difference.

Make a Difference Projects
Ways your giving can help
Our end goal is a child who is useful to the world, is trained to choose rightly, and whose love for many different things brings joy for life. Please join us in this important and high impact endeavor. Ambleside | The Vine School is a nonprofit organization and many families tuition is funded through the generous gifts and prayer of supporting individuals, organizations, and foundations like you.

" loading="lazy">Fund Flourish
to uplift our community by offering more children the gift of a lifetime – a quality education at Ambleside | The Vine School, a preschool /primary school which draws pupils from across the socioeconomic and racial spectrum making it truly a reflection of the rainbow nation of South Africa.
See MoreFund Flourish
" loading="lazy">#Leafalegacy
Invest in their Future | Giving Tuesday
Last year we had our first Giving Tuesday campaign with a target of R100 000 to beautify our premises. We raised R91 000. Most of the funds went towards a major facelift - we painted the facade and the stairwells. We removed the ugly burglar bars. We added signage with our new logo and planted the hedge here (which will one day become a windbreak for the stage) and the shade garden over there and the grass next to the ablutions. This year we have a different focus for Giving Tuesday. Instead of raising funds for a big project, we want to raise funds for our Flourish Fund - which is a fund to help our children flourish. Instead of asking for one big donation, say R1000 from one person, we want to ask 10 people to each give R100. Our aim is to raise 100 supporters to give R100 per month for a year. If we meet our target, we will together raise R120 000 for the Flourish Fund. By flourish we mean more of what you see and enjoy each day at our school - arts, culture, academic excellence, exploring nature, and sport. We will have a new mini-bus soon which was kindly donated to us through the Albert Wessels Trust and we will be able to transport our children to sports matches and chess tournaments, to museums and concerts, to outreaches and service projects. But we will also have extra expenses - fuel, insurance and maintenance. We don’t want to keep pushing up school fees so we need your help to help our children flourish without the school becoming unaffordable and exclusive. .
See More#Leafalegacy
" loading="lazy">My School
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Recurring donations via debit order and also credit/debit card are now active
For those who would like to make a recurring donation you now have the option to do so via debit order or via your credit/debit card in all our projects.
Donate online to any of our projects
Donations online are safe, secure and covenient.
You can view more information about any of our fundraising projects above by clicking on the links or use the donate now button below to go to the projects page and donate to any of the projects available.
Donate by electronic funds transfer
Donations can also be made by electronic transfer:
Account holder: The Vine School
Bank: FNB
Branch: Plumstead
Branch code: 201109
Bank account number: 62366996779
Reference: Fund-Surname
Tax deductible donations
The Vine School is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation and a Non Profit Organisation. Donations to the school qualify as a tax deductible expense. In terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act, we issue tax receipts annually to all donors. PBO number: 930/040/428 NPO number: 175-164NPO